Saturday, August 16, 2014


Made it to market on time this morning. These detours are getting really old !!!
I had a very good selling day today thankfully. There was a lot of folks coming through and they were buying. I sold several crafts. I have got to get back on a schedule of getting some sewing done each day to re-stock my selling supplies .
Hubbie had to help for a while this morning then he left to pick up groceries at Sam's Club.
After market I picked up baking supplies at Aldi and Walmart and went to the Post Office to mail an Avon order to a friend in Florida.
I forgot to stop and get some printer ink but maybe I can get by until I am out again. Maybe they will get our road open again this week so it won't be so far to get to the store.
After we got the van unloaded hubbie and I had a snack then headed for the garden. He was going to till and get our fall garden planted and I picked green beans.
Shortly the tiller broke a part and that put an end to his tilling for the day. He will have to wait to get things planted now.
I picked beans for almost 2 hours before Rebekah came to my rescue.  We finished and had about
1+ 1/2 bushels again of these very pretty half runner beans.
Hubbie wanted to spray a fungicide again so we needed to gather all the other produce before he sprayed.
This is what we got for another week of canning activities.
I also picked a bowl of grapes for eating as they are ripening fast.  So there will be some grape jelly and juice in our near future.
Rebekah went home to get an early bedtime after only sleeping a couple hours today.
I am catching up my blog tonight and then going for an early bedtime as I feel like I could just shut my eyes sitting here and be asleep for the night !!
Before I close I want to get another decade post in since I have so many of them this month.
In August 1964 my oldest brother turned 8 years old.  My mother always made us a cake of our choosing but I don't remember what any of us ever chose.

We also used to go at least once a summer out to Laurel Park Lake which had a beach for swimming. I don't remember making many of these trips so they must have been special outings.
Funny how I don't remember anything about going to this place, I don't remember ever seeing my mom or dad in any type swim suit and I don't remember what they did while we played in the water.
None of us ever learned how to swim so we didn't spend much time around any water except the creek that ran through our pastures.
Getting to tired to type anymore so I'm going for that early bedtime.
Thanking God for another wonderful day and for the wondrous world He created.
Good Night and God Bless.

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