Saturday, August 23, 2014


Up early and off to market on another very warm morning and a day predicted to be one of the hotter ones we've had so far this summer.
Market was fairly busy today,thankful for all I did sell.  When the temperatures rose into the upper 80's the isles were pretty empty in here.  I felt like a wilted flower as I packed up to leave at 2:00.
I made a stop at Aldi on the way home to pick up baking supplies for next week and cookout supplies for tomorrow.
When I got home everyone was busily working on projects around the farm.  Hubbie was weed eating along the driveway, #1 son had a friend's mini track hoe and he and Aaron were clearing the bank above his well house and making an extra parking space at his house. He had earlier flattened out the spot above the new barn where we are going to put another storage shed.  They will be here one day next week to build it on the spot.
 After unloading the van hubbie and I sowed grass seed and put out this erosion fabric to keep the banks from washing in case the heavy rains that are falling in SC move up this way tonight.
After supper and chores I took a walk around our bottom pasture this evening.  The Queen of the Meadow wild flowers are blooming on the creek banks now.
This is one of those very useful wild herb/flowers/weeds that grow all along the creek banks around here.  It contains salicylates which are the herbal roots of asprin. It is very useful for joint pain or any kind of pain, it also helps heal swollen joints and muscles.  It is most commonly made into a tea using flowers, leaves and stems of the plants boiled in water and drank several times a day for these purposes.
It is also called Meadowsweet and Joe Pye weed.  Joe Pye was a famous native American who traveled the country successfully treating Typhus fever with the weed. 
There is also said to be the magic of good fortune if a root is carried in your pocket or if it is added to a bath before a job interview,etc.
Another miraculous gift from God that grows freely from the land for our use.
As I walked I notice the water level in our farm pond is holding up very well in this dry hot spell we are having but we definitely need to get down here and remove some of the bushes growing out in the pond.

Daughter sent me this pic of her and her volleyball team which won the tournament at Davidson college today. Daughter is the coach standing second from right.
Congrats to them as there were some very large, very good school teams there for competition.
She came tonight and picked up Tipper, her dog and some apples from the apple farm to make some more things for them to sell when she gets home.
Thankful for another day filled with generous blessings from our great, loving Heavenly Father.
Good Night and God Bless.

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