Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The ringing phone was my alarm clock this morning . As I answered it and heard a man's voice ask about the wood stove, I was reminded that I had advertised the old Bat Cave stove we took out of the basement.

He wanted measurements so I told him I would call him back. He was very chatty but that early in the morning I'm not.
After chores I measured the stove and called him back. He wants the stove and is coming when hubbie gets home to get it.  It is still in the wood hauling box on the back of the tractor and weighs about 500 lbs so hubbie has to load it with the tractor.
After a nice short walk enjoying the fall scenery around the farm I went inside to begin baking for the day.

The sun is fighting hard for position with all the clouds this morning.

 After a couple side tracks and just a lack of motivation this morning it was lunchtime before I realized it and no cakes in the ovens yet !
This is a hard time of year to know how much to bake as it is the day before Halloween tomorrow but that is one holiday that folks don't usually celebrate with cakes.
After I ate and after taking several cake orders for tomorrow and a large cake order for Saturday I began baking about 1:30, which is late in the day for me to get started.
At 4:30 I was putting the last of the 18 caramel,3 chocolate, 1 coconut, 8 pound and 2 blackberry wine cakes in the ovens. Whew ! seems when I get started late baking it is more of a task than when I get it done earlier in the day.
Hubbie got home just minutes before the man came to pick up the stove. #1 son came up to help with the loading and I was sure glad he did as the man was pretty drunk and the man he had driving him had borrowed a straight drive truck that he had never driven before.  It was almost comical but then scary that they would be back out on the road for the trip all the way back to Canton.  After repeatedly telling the man after I cut the price a bit that I wanted cash not a check he showed up, waited until the stove was loaded on their truck and then proceeded to write me a check for part of the price.
Thankfully he had $260 of the $300 in cash or I would have kept the stove.
The check is on some business in Waynesville, so who knows if it is even his.  I will talk to the ladies at the bank tomorrow to see what I can do to find out if there is even  a bank account in this name,I had no luck looking it up on the internet. grrrrrr!!!!
After they left I cleaned out the big hen house and put fresh shavings in it, it smelled so good in there tonight.
There were just enough clouds still hanging around this evening to create a glorious sunset.

After having a light supper I began paperwork for the week and paid a couple bills before tackling icing for the evening. Re came by with her baked goods.
I worked steadily until 1am before I got everything finished and was ready for bed, whew !!!
I fell into bed and don't even remember my head hitting the pillow.
I am writing this at market on Thursday and back dating it.
Thankful for the amazing energy God blesses me with each day.
Good Night and God Bless.