Saturday, December 13, 2014


Another cold morning with ice breaking to do. Hopefully with the upper 50's forecast for today there won't be any refreezing .
I am handicapped somewhat this morning as I have a very swollen, sore right thumb.
Last Wednesday morning as I put another log in the wood stove I banged the knuckle of my thumb against the hot inside of the stove when the log shifted and I jerked my hand. The temperature was 400 degrees in the stove so you can imagine I burned it pretty badly. I have been putting cream on it and trying to keep a bandaide on it as much as possible with all the hand washing I do.
This morning it is almost twice the size of my other thumb and really throbbing with pain each time my heart beats.
I can't believe this little spot which appears to be healing is causing all this pain.  Hubbie helped me bandage it before we left for market and we taped it up so the bandage would have to stay on.
D-in-love met us at market with g-son who had just gotten a haircut on the way. D-in-love had a special music practice today for the program tomorrow at church.
G-son was a great help on this busy day as he carried in the boxed orders and ran for change while I waited on customers.  When things slowed down he played games on the laptop until he and Pawpaw left to have lunch and shop at Sam's.
I stayed busy all day and am very thankful for all the customers that get my baked goods for their holiday gatherings and gifts.
I also picked up several more orders for the remaining three days before Christmas.
After market I made stops at Sav Mor, Aldi and Ingles  on my way home.  After hubbie helped me unload and get things put away I rested for a few minutes out in the sunroom snuggled with my 4-legged kids watching the electric fireplace flames.
A friend came by to pick up her caramel cakes and Aa brought a roll of hay to Cayenne the horse.
At chore time I discovered a mouse in my feed house when it ran across the toe of my boot giving me a scare.  Hubbie came with a trap to hopefully rid me of the little critter.
After we ate supper we both spent a quiet evening watching TV country music shows. I held ice on my thumb and then soaked the bottom part in a bowl of vinegar but was afraid to get the open burn wound in the vinegar.
It isn't any better tonight but hopefully with some new burn cream I have to put on it overnight it will be better by morning.
I took this picture of the already set sun's reflection off the few clouds this evening.
Grateful for the business God sent my way today and for the undeserved blessings of everyday.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Sandy Livesay said...

Carolina Nana,

Since your experiencing increased pain in your finger and it's swollen, I would consider going to your doctor or an urgent care center. The vinegar will make the open part of your burn hurt worse, be careful.
The worst part of having burns on your hands is they're never not moving, we use our hands all the time.