Monday, January 19, 2015


Every January needs days like this one to help us get through a dreary winter. Already in the 40's as I did chores this morning in the bright sunshine.
I got laundry started and then walked over to check on  new baby BB and deliver the rose from church yesterday. BB was fast asleep after keeping everyone up half the night but all were doing well.
Back home I did a couple more loads of laundry while I got started on my basement re-organization project.
Hubbie had spent the morning out at school helping daughter move all the computers and her desk around in her classroom. She is going to have to get technologies to come out and move some wiring but she said she felt like she could be a better teacher with the new arrangement.
He got a haircut on the way home and then worked up at his shop all afternoon on various things.
I moved some things around downstairs I know I shouldn't have moved by myself. My big industrial sewing machine and also the old dining room table I put the legs back on and set up were very heavy.
I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow even after laying on a heating pad for a while tonight.
The project can move along now pretty quickly and hopefully I can get it finished this month along with the extra housecleaning I always do in January.
Re and little El walked over this afternoon and we carried some baby supplies back out of the storage shed.  It feels like a spring day this afternoon at 64 degrees.
A few more days of this and then back to January weather next Monday with a gulf storm brewing !!
After chores this evening I watched the news and then spent a relaxing evening after my day of moving heavy things around !
Thankful for some good news this afternoon that I will be talking more about later.
Thankful also for all the other blessings of this day.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

We warmed up here on Sunday also. Sure was nice to as the snow started to melt. I almost was tempted to open a window but didn't. Yesterday hubby had off from work but he had a touch of the flu so I spent the day "waiting " on him. I did manage to get a long walk in while he napped. God has blessed me. Blessings to you.