Friday, April 3, 2015


Up to a warm cloudy morning with the sun putting up a fierce battle to break through the clouds.
After chores and breakfast I took a nice walk around the farm taking in all the wonderful sights and sounds of the spring season.
My Almond bush is really pretty this year.
The Redbud trees around are starting to put on a show also. I hope this Easter cold snap we are expecting Saturday night doesn't hurt these blooms.
This Pear tree sounded as if it were alive with all the busy bees around all the sweet blooms on it.
My Oregano bed is coming along fine so far.
 One puzzling thing I have been watching is this bank below my sewing shop that is covered with Forsythia and usually is putting on a bright yellow show this time of year, but as you can see it has just a few blooms. I have no idea what is going on with it this year.

Evidence of the dry year so far we have had is the dropping water level in our farm pond.
Back inside I started baking my cakes. Easter Saturday is usually a busy day. I have 6 cakes ordered for tomorrow.
I baked 12 caramel, 4 coconut,2 chocolate, 6 pound cakes before I took time for a late lunch.
Hubbie called and said he was getting off an hour early today so I got my sewing time in before he got here. I made these two medium bonnets to add to my inventory at market.
After hubbie got home we headed up to the garden. We have a bunch of potatoes left over from last year so we are planting them as our Kennebac  seed potatoes this year, only buying 8 pounds of Red Pontiac for some early potatoes.
Yeah,these potatoes already have a good start on sprouting !!!!!
We decided to turn our garden rows around this year so the sun could get to everything better. We have never planted this way before but neither hubbie or I could think of a reason why we shouldn't try it.
 While hubbie roto-tilled I cut some of the red potatoes he bought. We usually cut them and let them heal before planing but no time for that this year. The almanac says today is the most favorable for the week to plant root crops so they are going in the ground.
We marked our rows with string to help keep them straight. Funny thing we used to do this by sight but not anymore, don't know if it's the glasses we both now wear or just old eyes but we need the strings now !
I dug the rows under the strings.

Re brought the kids up to help. Little EL likes to help in everything that is going on.

Baby BB looks like he can't wait to get his hands in the dirt , haha !!
We planted potatoes, carrots, turnips,radishes, kohlrabi,and onions.
The air grew chillier with the setting sun and we all went inside for the evening.
After a quick supper I started icing cakes. I had everything iced and ready to go by 11:00. I had a nice hot bath and went to bed .
Daughter sent me these pics of her and Josh at the Clemson/UNC baseball game this evening.

The beautiful sunset on this Good Friday. Sent to me by Susan.

Humbly grateful for the sacrifice of our Heavenly Father on this day as this is the day when His only Son became the Savior of all man kind, so that we might be forgiven from our sins and have everlasting life with Him.

Thankful for a day filled with wonderful blessings and for the strength He gives me each day.
Good Night and God Bless.

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