Monday, April 20, 2015


Thunder, lightening and pouring rain woke me early this morning just before the alarm sounded. I rolled over and shut the alarm off and laid there listening as the storm sounded like it passed to the south of us by a few miles.
I was late doing the chores but I figured nothing would mind waiting for the rain to stop.
As quickly as the storm came up and passed the sun came out shining brightly to begin the day.
After breakfast hubbie went up to his shop to work on cleaning up daughter's jeep. She is going to sell it and left it here while she is in Raleigh today for a teacher's class with 3 other teachers from her school. It is a one day class but they drove down last night so they would be there early this morning. They will be home this evening.
I took a nice walk around the farm in the warm sunshine to admire all the blooming beauties. This time of year there is more color variety in the yard than any other time.
 Azaleas , Azaleas , Azaleas !!

Apple trees are starting to bloom.
Dogwoods set the woods ablaze with their snow white blossoms.
Hosta's are growing rapidly
As is this bed of Oregano that is ready for the first cutting already.
Looks like we will have Blueberries this year.
The Muscadine grapes are putting out leaves.
The old fashioned Snowball bushes are getting all their snowballs.

This Japanese Maple is always a bright spot.
The green pastures are eye pleasing as well with the fresh growth.

When I look around I am always amazed at the way nature takes care of itself sometimes. This  Columbine got crowded out of the pot last summer and has found a new home in the bed beside the pot.
And this large Azalea was always a favorite of mine. I didn't notice until I saw dead branches on it that when we built our new porch roof we covered it with the overhang of the roof depriving it of any rain water to drink. Miraculously the plant has moved itself out from under the overhang into the rain.

I did 3 loads of laundry today along with some odd jobs that have been put off.  I got some plants repotted in bigger pots and got some rooted stuff in the small pots.  We got dead limbs cut out of the Lilac bush in the back and the Azalea pictured above.
The sky turned dark this afternoon and the wind kicked up to bring an eerie feel to the outside air.
We came inside to see what the news was saying about the weather and discovered we were under a tornado watch.
Thankfully as we sat out in the sunroom and listened to the thunder this storm also passed by us to the north this time.
After chore time we rounded up the three outside dogs and put their new flea control for the summer on them. Daughter heard about these collars at the vet's office so we decided to try them this year since they are much cheaper than Frontline and last year the expensive Frontline I bought didn't work. If these work as good as the reviews say they do it will be a God send for my dogs who all hate those drops each month.
#2 son came by for his extra set of truck keys as he is thinking about trading his toyota truck for a jeep. He has had 2 jeeps and that seems to be his favorite vehicle.
I am also thinking about getting a newer vehicle but as I searched on the internet tonight for SUV's that have bigger cargo space I got confused so I need to go look at some of the newer bigger SUVs so I can see if they will hold all my baked goods.
We spent a quiet evening .
Thankful for all the beautiful spring color and all the blessings of this day.
Good Night and God bless.

1 comment:

Gail said...

We buy a pill at the vet's that takes care of ticks and fleas. Last year was horrible with fleas. That's when I discovered the pill. I would like to know how these work for you.

I love azaleas but the few times I've tried, no luck.

Glad you are safe.