Thursday, August 20, 2015


As I lay in bed this morning I wondered why my right knee felt so sore and painful ?  When I tried to stand up I almost fell when the pain in that knee was so sharp when I put any weight on it. I thought ,oh my,  I am not going to be able to go to market today.  As I clutched chairs and what ever I could along the way to the bathroom I felt the knee getting a little stronger.
I gingerly put more and more weight on it as I started to get ready for market and finally worked through the pain and got it going.
I was reminded what probably was the cause of this when I did the morning chores and went into one of the muddiest chicken lots and my foot slid down the hill. Last night I almost fell when I slid in the mud and used this leg to stop my fall. It hurt when I did it but didn't hurt any more as I stayed on it icing cakes the rest of the night.
I made it to market on time even with the hobbling I was doing.
I got set up and sold slowly. Compared to the last few Thursdays this was a really slow day but I knew these days would come as soon as it got close to school starting time so I am thankful for what I did sell.
As I loaded to come home I hurt my knee again and couldn't get the pain to ease off so after doing the drive through at the bank and P.O. I headed to the nearest drug store to buy a knee brace.
I found one with metal stays in the sides to prevent sideways movement which is how I hurt it.
This relieved the pain enough for me to finish my errands of picking up baking supplies and groceries at Aldi and Walmart. As I left the bank at my first stop across from the Curb Market I noticed these mean looking clouds in the sky.
And sure enough without any warning when I started out of Aldi the sky opened up and poured rain. Luckily I had my little purse umbrella and kept most of the rain off my groceries and me. Before I finished loading the honda the sun started shining through the pouring rain. I looked all around for the rainbow but couldn't see one. Shortly after I left Aldi the rain stopped.
 I also made a stop at Granddad's apple house to get our first apples of the season. They have the best juiciest Honeycrisp apples. I also got some peaches that  need to ripen up and a cabbage.
Hubbie came in from work just as I got home to help me unload. After that I got out another brace that has a heatable pad in it to use on my knee while I watched the news.
We had supper and did the evening chores then sat on the porch awhile.
I am trying to keep my knee elevated all that I can. This brace I bought today helps with these stays in the sides but the tightness of it makes my leg swell.
With just the resting and heat and ice I have been using this evening it feels a little better tonight so hopefully it is just a strain and not a tear. I still remember from my high school sports playing days that the treatment for strains is R I C E  , rest, ice,compression, elevation .
We had clouds all evening here and just a sprinkle of rain. The first hurricane of the Atlantic season formed this morning when tropical storm Danny became hurricane Danny. Still to far out to make any prediction where he might go when he gets closer to the US.
The almanac predicts a hurricane in the last week of August around Florida and the gulf. Could this be that one ???
With nothing else going on tonight I will continue with the August decade pics series and these are from August 1995.
This is my nephew Mark that is moving into #1 son's doublewide. I took care of him much of the time during these years.
That year #1 son was starting his second season of football at Apply Valley middle school where he was in eighth grade.
These are some of our goats.

A young Snowball , our milk cow.
Hank , the farm dog, a blue Australian Shepherd.
And Pepsi our "6-toed" farm mouser.
The back yard has changed alot in 20 years !!!

 Great memories once again when I look at these old pics.
Grateful to God for the life He has allowed me to live and for all the wonderful blessings along the way.
Good Night and God Bless

1 comment:

linda m said...

Sorry to hear you hurt your knee. Praying for God's healing for you. Love all the old pictures. Have a great weekend. God's Blessings