Wednesday, September 4, 2019


These foggy cool mornings are misleading this time of year as they fool us into thinking the hot days of summer are gone. That isn't so right now as today promises to be another 90 degree sunny day.
We got the kids off to their schools and then hubbie who rode with me to take RL shopped at a couple more thrift shops on our way to a stop at Ingles before heading home.
At home we only had about an hour to get some things done around the house before it was time to go back to pick up RL.
Daughter was bringing IR and CA to Flat Rock park to meet us for lunch and playtime for the girls so we left early to pick up some lunch for them.
RL and IR were glad to see each other and had a great time eating lunch together and playing on the newly re-opened playground. CA enjoyed watching them.

It was so sunny and hot the slides were still too hot to slide on but they found other things to do.
After about an hour the girls were tired and hot so we loaded up and headed home.
RL went to sleep in the car on the way home and took a short nap on the couch.
I got my baking started, I baked 6 caramel, 3 pound, 1 blackberry wine, and a pan of brownies.
I had a little helper when she woke up but she soon decided it was more fun outside with Pawpaw.
She came back inside with me while pawpaw went to school to pick up g-son.  He came in and did his homework with an ice cold cup of sweet tea out in the sunroom where it was quiet.
He is in honor classes this year because he scored so high on his eog's last year and he has more homework but he seems to be taking it in stride. His youth group middle school age kids went to the rest home tonight to sing and present the folks there with some nice cards. This is g-son handing out one of the cards.
 Hubbie and I watched the recent news on the hurricane which is slowing down and gaining strength once again as it crawls up the coast.

We got chores done then I iced cakes and got ready for market .
Thankful that CA had gained weight once again and was at 10 lbs 2 ounces today when the home health nurse came by.  That is a gain of 8 ounces in 5 days !!
Thankful for all the blessings the Lord sent my way today.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Thank you Lord that CA is gaining weight.