Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Another beautiful fall day,sunny ,60's,perfect. I was expecting g-son early this morning but dad let him sleep in. I was finishing breakfast when they came.G-son was not feeling well at all. After his dad left he layed down in the recliner and didn't want to get up for anything. I finally got him to go outside with me and hand me clothespins while I hung out a load of laundry,he likes to pick out colors. I tried to get him to try out his new slide but he wanted to come back inside,that's when you know he isn't feeling well,he is an outside boy! I did housework while he layed and watched TV. I offered him about 6 different lunch choices,but he turned them all down. I did more housework after lunch and tried again to get him to play outside in the warm sunshine but he didn't feel like it. I hate to see him like this,he is usually so active and happy.
Mom came and got him early as I have a yearly mammogram appointment today. He was staying at #2 son's house while mom took pictures. My mammogram went okay,I really don't understand why some women hesitate to have this done. I pray that mine are okay,the tech that took the x-rays said this is just a routine mammogram, right? I said honey nothing is routine when you get to this stage in life. She laughed but I was serious! I pray a lot and take nothing for granted. Tomorrow I'll dread picking up the phone every time it rings. She said they'll call if they find something,or send you a letter if they don't. I'm praying for no news!!!!
When I got home I walked the dogs,we didn't get a long walk because it was almost dark when we started,but we got almost 30 minutes in. Hubbie was trimming another large willow tree in our back yard,the place sure looks different already.Daughter came in late from work,it was one of those afternoons at school where she works and she didn't leave until 5:30. She is starting her baking,we had chicken and spanish rice for supper.I did good on my carbs today only about 100 but I still need to cut back more than that so I'll try harder tomorrow! I love apples and bananas and all fruits and they have a lot of carbs in them. Daughter finished hers and I started baking my cake layers about 9:00. She cleaned up and went to bed. It is 11:00 and I still have cakes that aren't in the ovens yet,but that is my fault because I forgot to start 1 of my ovens and when the timer went off and I opened it to take them out they weren't cooked,so that set me 35 minutes behind!
I went to bed early last night,then layed and stared at the ceiling for 2 hours so it does no good to get to bed too early. There is a lot on the agenda for tomorrow,I hope g-son is feeling better.
I love You Lord,thank You for putting up with me sometimes,give me grace and patience I pray. Good Night.

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