Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This is Monday March 21 delayed post because of headache last night.
Another beautiful morning,already in the mid 60's with bright sunshine by the time chores were finished.
I came inside ate breakfast and put my Avon order online before heading back outside to help Hubbie in the garden.
We planted 1 1/2 rows of red potatoes, 2 1/2 rows of kennebecs plus radishes, kohlrabi,
lettuce and onions. We thought we had some Kale seed but Hubbie will have to pick up some tomorrow.
After #1 son picked up g-son from preschool they came by and g-son pretended to plant his part of the garden with his tractor. Notice #1 son's big boot on his foot that he still has to wear until mid April only, hopefully.
He will be helping work on his f-in-law's new restaurant the rest of the week so I'm full time g-son keeper for the week except for Wednesday when d-in-love and a couple friends are venturing off to the Columbia zoo with all their kids.
We weren't the only ones in the dirt this morning, these silkies were have a time taking dirt baths in the warm sunshine.This is a lovely white silkie after her dirt bath,yuck, I can't see how that would feel good.

We finished our planting just before lunch and after we ate we went back outside so g-son could play in a different kind of dirt,his sandbox.He is getting to big for this turtle box and is going to have to have a bigger sand box this year.

After #1 son and g-son left Hubbie and I went up to the barn and moved the cattle trailer out with the other trailers so Hubbie can park his truck in the barn. We covered the cattle trailer with a huge tarp which was an adventure getting it up there with the wind blowing but we did it.

My head started hurting right after we did evening chores and even after Tylenol and a hot pack and trying a cold pack it would not stop throbbing. It was hurting so bad it almost made me sick to my stomach. Finally about 11:00 Hubbie helped me from the couch to the bed so he could sleep anyway.
I finally got tired enough and got enough relief to fall asleep.
This post was written on the next morning and back dated because of the headache.
I think I probably got to hot and sunburned yesterday and that is what caused the headache. I have to remember not to do that again because that definitely was not fun!

I am grateful to God for the energy to get all that we got done yesterday.


Gail said...

A great work out like that was too much for one day!

Glad you are feeling better.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We are doing alot of yardwork this time of year also, Marilyn. I am very tired myself tonight--but luckily, I don't have a headache. I just took a long, soaking bath!!!!!

Tell this non-country gal what kennebecs and kohlrabi are. I think that Kohlrabi is some kind of cabbage/turnip... Never heard of Kennebec.

My folks had a small garden (lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, green onions, etc.)... I love Kale greens --but haen't had any in years.

Hope you are feeling better today. Don't over-do... It has gotten pretty hot for March.