Saturday, January 31, 2015


This last day of the the first month of 2015 dawns cold but clear. More ice breaking as I hurry through chores and get ready for market. Hubbie is loading the van for me, then he is meeting a group of men volunteers from our church to re-roof one of our older church member's house. This house is just out the road from the church and it is a small house so maybe if enough men show up the job won't take long.
Daughter met me at market to help get things carried in and help with the early sales.
Her b-friend picked her up to go work out at the YMCA while I stayed at market. Sales were slow but okay today with the nice weather.
They came back and walked up town for lunch and brought me back a chicken salad sandwich which was very good.
As the market sales day ended we loaded all our goods in the van, then stayed for the annual market stockholder's meeting.
These meetings are not very informative and usually a waste of time but this year we are voting on a new board so we thought we would stay and voice our vote.
The meeting lasted about an hour and was concerning as the market financial report showed that our expenses were over $5,000 more than our income. Thankfully we do have money in the bank to fall back on in these years. We are paying off a loan for a new roof from several years ago and that is what is making the expenses so high.
Hopefully this year will be a better year.
Actually the same board members went back in with one addition to replace, Joel McGraw, one of the members who resigned this year.
The new board consist of : Ralph King, David Taylor, Steve Presley, Shannon Ball, Pat Walker.
After the meeting daughter left to pick up a pizza to have for their supper while her and b-friend Josh watch the basketball games this evening.
I came straight home. 
The roofing project was a success as about 20 men showed up to help and the job was finished about mid afternoon.
Hubbie helped unload the van then we cleaned out the older hen's house and dipped their legs in a strong insecticide to get rid of some leg mites that are showing up this winter.
Their feet and legs looked immediately better so hopefully this will stop this invasion of these little critters.
 We came inside and watched UNC blow an 18 point lead and get beat by Louisville in OT.
Then we watched Duke give Virginia their first loss of the season.  It's been a basketball night around here !!  A good relaxing way to end this month.
This is the first week of February weather predictions, not bad for the second month of winter !
As this January comes to an end and becomes part of history I am thankful for a month of health and safety for my family.
The weather hasn't been too bad, just alot of dreary cold days to go with only a few nice warm days but after all it is January. Only one delayed school day because of severe wind chills this month.
I made all 5 market day Saturdays and did pretty good sales for what is usually a really bad month.
We were blessed with the birth of a baby boy when Re and Aa weclome baby BB into the world on the 15th.
I attended all daughter's home basketball games this month to support her and her JV team. They have improved so much it is amazing.
I have done some deep cleaning this month and started moving things around downstairs to create a new sewing area to make it easier to get sewing work done where it is warmer.
Had some bad news from my annual mammogram as I was called back for more testing after the doctor spotted something in my right breast that wasn't there last year. The results from this will be in February's post. I am praying that it won't be breast cancer.
Grateful for today's blessings and thankful for a loving caring church family who looks out for one another.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Sounds like all in all January was a good month for you. Praying for good results on you mammogram recheck. Blessings