Thursday, April 23, 2015


Brrr, Another cool morning to begin this market day but at least the sun is shining.
Market was fairly busy today especially after a lady from one of the local churches came by for 6 cakes in addition to the orders I already had.
My neighbor Steve was back from a week long vacation in Florida so he and I caught up between customers.
I also had a visit from one of my best friends brothers who has lived the past 38 years in Australia. It was a great "blast from the past " moment for me. I loved to listen to him talk, he sounded just like "Crocodile Dundee" !!
If I choose a foreign country to visit I would probably pick Australia as it sounds like a very peaceful place to live.
After market I ran the regular errands and checked out a couple more car lots but didn't find anything I liked at any of them.
 I have found something a bit different than any other previous time I have went car shopping, now when you drive on to the lots you have to go find a salesman to help you instead of being met as you are getting out of your car by one of them. And it is not that there is anyone else there looking at cars, looks as if all the car lots have cut their sales staff.
I was late getting home and hubbie and g-son, who was staying here while his mom went shopping, were waiting to help me unload and put things away.
We fixed some supper then did chores and got inside out of the cool temperature and wind that feels more like late fall than warm spring time. As I went into the big hen house this evening I heard loud peeping sounds and as I looked around for the source I spotted this little nest tucked away above the door jamb. Looks like a Wren's nest but I haven't seen the mother bird so far. Sounds like she has several little ones in there.

We are under a freeze warning for tonight with temperatures expected to get in the low 30's.
There is a lot of prayers going up tonight for all these beautiful blooms on all the fruit trees.
Hubbie covered our 6 cabbage plants with buckets this evening but if the temps stay above 28 everything else should be okay. It is still 54 at 10:00 tonight so we are crossing our fingers along with a large host of other county farmers tonight.

Tonight would be a good time to finish up the April decade photos. These are the undated old pics for this month. If you have followed my blog you know that I have an adopted step sister who is more than 20 years older than me. She belonged to my dad's second wife,Dottie and her name was Margaret.
This is my dad between Dottie and Margaret standing in front of the old house my dad was raised in where he and Dottie lived.
This is my dad on the left with  Margaret and I am assuming her husband, John Rizzo,
When I was younger I heard my dad always affectionately refer to Margaret as just "Rizzo".
This is Margaret as a young girl. She lived in Oklahoma with my dad during the years he spent out there.
This is a close-up of Margaret, she was a lovely young woman.
Wish I could find her now and talk with her about the time she spent with my dad.
Thankful for a loving guiding Heavenly Father tonight and asking for His ever present loving grace as I stumble through this life.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

I really don't envy you car shopping. The last car I bought was thru the internet. When I went to pick up the car I didn't like the color so they found me a color I liked, I signed and drove off. However, it was a new car, so I was able to "shop" that way. My poor car is now 11 years old and still running, but I dread the day I have to replace it. Hope you didn't get a heavy freeze. Love your old photos. Have a great weekend. Blessings