Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Another muggy morning as I head out to do the chores. After breakfast I was headed out on my walk when #2 son came by for a visit. I haven't seen him in over a week so it was nice to get to catch up with him.  He took some fresh cucumbers and tomatoes home with him and went to do his yardwork before it got too hot.
I decided to get started on my baking for the day since I have more than usual to do. I baked 18 caramel, 3 chocolate,5 pound and 1 blackberry wine cake before stopping for a late lunch.
With the sun and clouds battling for position this afternoon I went to the garden to pull weeds and see what needed to be gathered.
I picked a few green beans  and a few cherry tomatoes that was ripe. If we don't get more rain than we are getting things are just going to set here without ripening.
Makes me very thankful for the garden production we had last year.
I was taking a break when hubbie came home. He had went by daughter's and changed her water filter.
We watched the news then had an all fresh vegetable supper before choretime.
I spent the evening first in my office with weekly paperwork and bills and then finished the entire night and into the wee hours of the morning icing all my cakes, getting in bed a little before 1:00am,whew !!!
Daughter sent pics from their family beach trip tonight. I love that they all had on similar colors. They are really nice pics. That's Josh's sister and husband and their 2 kids on the left, his dad and mom, him and daughter and one of his 4 brothers and his wife and little boy on the right. Looks like they are enjoying the trip.

God is sooo good and I am thankful for the many blessings He sends each day.
God Bless

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