Monday, July 27, 2015


G-son arrived at 7am today to give the day an early start. After chores and breakfast EL and BB arrived so mom who worked last night could get some sleep today.
These three are best buddies and they all were really great today.

The good ole summer time is great for freezer pops on the front porch after a hot morning of weed eating (or playing)  !!

I spent the morning with a great laundry helper, EL, after BB went down for his morning nap.
After lunch BB and EL switched places but she had a hard time going to sleep. As if she knew mom and dad were going to be coming to get her she played quietly in her crib. Sure enough the meeting with their doublewide salesman was postponed so they came to take the kids home for naps.
With the clouds threatening rain any minute I worked on the new babies quilt this evening.
Just as the rain started Re called and I went over to sit with sleeping BB and EL while they had a later meeting with the salesman.
He finally brought a serviceman over to their house to do some of the fixing up that should have been done a couple weeks ago. Hopefully he will get the ball rolling  and get this finished so they can move in.
When she got back from their meeting I came home and checked the rain gauge to see how much rain the shower had given us, only 2/10ths inch but we are thankful.
I finished the little quilt and made pics which I will show after the baby shower in a couple weeks. Don't want to spoil the surprise !!
D-in-love picked up g-son to get ready for his second day of VBS tonight. He said he really had fun last night.
The church is all decorated up with jungle themes.

Looks like a lot of fun. I have such a busy week this week I am sitting this year's VBS out. Daughter has volleyball camp all week this week and D-in-love is 8 months pregnant so we all sat out this year of VBS leadership.
I cleaned out my refrigerator and freezer tonight to end the jobs for today.
Hubbie and I had a few minutes out in the covered patio in what now feels like a sauna outside from the earlier rain before coming inside for the evening.
Giving God all His glory tonight and every night as I end the day humbly grateful for the many blessings He bestows on me .
Good Night and God Bless

1 comment:

linda m said...

VBS was always my favorite time of summer. Hope Re and Aa can get to move in soon. Blessings