Friday, January 8, 2016


Rain greeted me as g-daughter got here this morning. I was hoping in the hour before it was time to get out and do morning chores that it would stop but not so !!!
Seems I have worn my rain gear more in the these last few months than I can ever remember but at least this morning it is very light rain.
After the chores were done the rain reminded me that the driveway ditches needed some work. I checked on g-daughter who was still fast asleep and then grabbed a shovel and headed down the driveway clearing the ditches as I went. This job only takes a few minutes usually and it sure saves a lot of work if the rain water doesn't go where it is supposed to as it runs down our steep drive.
I was pretty wet by the time I got back inside and very hungry as I hadn't eaten anything yet.
After I ate the next thing on my "to do" list for today was getting the sunroom vacuumed and the rugs out there changed back to the regular from the Christmas. I closed the door to the house since g-daughter was still sleeping and I didn't want the vacuum noise to wake her. I got all that taken care of just as g-daughter woke up. She is such a good morning sleeper and always wakes up smiling.
After her bottle she sat on the kitchen table and watched me bake cakes. I baked 6 caramel, 1 chocolate and 2 pound cakes for a predicted slow rainy market day tomorrow.
She is getting good at griping things and can even get this teething ring into her mouth herself.  I don't know if she is cutting a tooth or not but she sure is chewing things and slobbering alot.
After we both had lunch and we played for a little while she was back down for another nap. I used this time to get all my shelf setters washed and put back out in the dining room and sunroom.
D-in-love was working late again today as the other office girl was still out. When she got here g-son had to play with his little sister a little while before they went home.
The high temperature today has been 49 with the light rain putting only 2/10ths inch in the gauge by this evening. We are suppose to get  more rain tomorrow and even some snow flurries for Sunday.
When I read the newspaper today I saw this story about our weird  winter weather so far all around the country.
In "act three" they predict major major snow dumps but they don't know where ???   I have one little brave Daffodil that is betting  the snow dumps aren't coming here !!!!!
Only God knows what is coming our way and He's not saying, but I know that His plan is the best for all concerned. Thanking Him for the day's blessings .
God Bless and Good Night.

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