Thursday, November 3, 2016


Up to get chores done and get to market on time on another remarkably warm,77, November day.
Market was very slow today as I expected. I did some Christmas shopping with a couple other vendors to pass the time and get a jump of my gifts this year.
After market I ran regular errands and picked up a few baking supplies for tomorrow at Aldi and Walmart.
I got home and got unloaded and did the chores a little early so I could head over to daughter's when she got home from her basketball practice and help her make salsa tonight.
I got to her house about 6:15 and we dived right into the tomatoes we picked from the field across the creek last week. She had a basket full of peppers she had picked from her little raised bed garden and she had bought a bag of onions and the spices yesterday.
It took longer than I expected and I was glad hubbie who had considered coming along decided not to as we worked long past his bedtime.
We finally got the last canner full off the stove at 9:45, whew !!!  But we were rewarded with 20 pints of delicious salsa for her and Josh to enjoy . Their house smelled wonderful !!!

I think blog post are a bit boring without multiple pics so I will make this one short but I will put one pic on here to remind us of the beautiful mountains at this time of year. This is a fellow Curb Market vendors farm up on Sugarloaf Mountain.

Thankful tonight for fresh produce and the ability to preserve it and the special time with my daughter and her hubbie.
God Bless and Good Night.

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