Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Well about 5am this morning I got the answer as to if I had a cold or just smoke sensitivity !! I woke up with my cheek bones throbbing with pain and my upper gums hurting badly. This is always what happens when I get a bad head cold. I got up and heated a hot pack and finally got back to sleep about 20 minutes before g-daughter arrived at 7.
I got dressed and we had breakfast then I did the chores before we headed out to her little morning school.
Last night I loaded all the quilts and rugs in my Honda to be ready to stop at the laundry on the way home for my every couple months laundry chores.
I was the only customer at the laundry this morning and I got all the big machines.
I got everything washed and dried except the rubber backed rugs which I brought home and hung out on the clothesline.
I had a cup of hot tea then headed back to town to pick g-daughter up.
When I watch g-daughter love on poor Bernie I always think back to when g-son was her age and older and how he and Bernie used to play together. Bernie doesn't play any more but he still loves hugs !!

After lunch d-in-love picked up g-daughter to take her with g-son to the dentist.
I did some housecleaning until I felt so bad I had to stop and do something I never do. I layed down on the couch and took a nap !!
I have been having sneezing fits and my nose now feels like a hot poker each time I touch a kleenex to it.
After hubbie came in from work we watched the news and then did chores. Of all days one of my pullets was out of the fence down in the woods and I had to call hubbie to come help me get her rounded up.
As soon as they went in their houses to roost I separated out the pullets and the ones I am keeping and put them all together in one house as the man is supposed to come tomorrow and buy the rest of the hens. There is much less dust doing it tonight than tomorrow and I definitely don't need any more nose irritants right now.
We got a break in our area from the thick smoke of the fires with a wind shift.

After I got all the rugs gathered off the line and put away I got back to sewing and made a little Christmas apron.
I am going to bed early tonight and take a big dose of Nyquil to make me sleep through all the pain and sneezes hopefully.
The news from the fire front is not good again tonight as the fire gained another almost 1000 acres today and more evacuations are called for along hwy #9 .

This is the terrain the firefighters are dealing with.
At our church today we collected supplies to stock the Boyscout ski cabin down on Lake Lure below the fire so it could be used to house 15-20 of the traveling firefighters.
This is one of our members on the left, the associate Pastor Craig Step in the middle  and the black berry farming neighbor we always buy froms daughter.
She was hauling all the donated supplies in their big truck.
Tonight the fire is bearing down on one of my friends homes tonight. She did not evacuate from her historic home and business. I pray that she stays safe.
Bat Cave Baptist church , the church #1 son and d-in-love got married in is the main shelter for the evacuees in the area and this is a view of the church and the fire tonight. It is still on the other side of the river from the church so far.
The weather is beginning to have big changes for the first time in over a month. Whether either of these weather changes will reach out area we will have to wait and see and PRAY !!
With the drop in the jet stream coming across the country the first winter storm is brewing in the mid west and heading east.

Also there is a late tropical system brewing in the Carribean that could head our way.
It is a catch 22 scenario to hope that either of these storms form as there are folks who will suffer in their wake before the storms can bring relief to us from all the fires.
Sneezing my way to a hot bath and warm bed tonight with the hopes that tomorrow will be a better day for me and everybody else !!!
Thankful today for a God who hears our prayers !!!!
God Bless and Good Night.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Praying for you that you feel better soon and for all those affected by the wildfires.