Friday, January 20, 2017


An early wake up call from daughter who was supposedly only stopping by for a dozen eggs that I had put on the porch for her last night so she wouldn't have to wake me.
She was calling to say"don't shoot me" I'm coming inside to get a glass of milk for her instant breakfast mix.
I went back to sleep until the alarm sounded at 8am. As I looked out the window at the rain still falling and checked my phone radar I layed back down to wait out the rain which was about to exit our area.
After another 30 minute snooze the rain had stopped leaving a little over 1/2 inch in the gauge.
After chores and breakfast I took a nice long walk in the now sunny and warm morning.
The high temperature of the afternoon was 68 today,whew !!! 
I spent the day inside cleaning and re-arranging in my office. This room always catches all the things that don't have regular places during the year and each January I clean and see what treasures I can unearth in here.  And like any of my other re-arranging jobs this one created the need for other re-arranging projects to find places for the things I take out of the office. I sold Avon for years and still have on online account but don't distribute books or take personal orders anymore regularly so I needed to get all the things I used for that out of a cabinet in there and thrown away. I also had some extra Avon products that I need to use now so that created the  need to create some space in my bathroom cabinets for these supplies.
After lifting heavy boxes and stooping and bending for over 2 hours my back was screaming so when hubbie came in from work he found me stretched out on the heating pad on the couch.
After a short rest on the heating pad and a little relief from the intense pain I did chores. The sunset this evening is pretty as the clouds move in ahead of the next storm system that arrives about noon tomorrow bringing a lot more rain to our area.

Today was a special day in the history of our country as the 45th president was inaugurated . Donald Trump is the first president with absolutely no political background . Whether this helps our country or not is yet to be seen. One thing is for sure I think politics are not going to be "as usual" under this president.
Out going president Obama and wife Michelle flank the new president Donald Trump and wife Melania.
He goes straight to work under the watchful eye of vice president Mike Pence on the left.
To all the "nay sayers" out there about this president I say lets give him a chance !!
Just remember the inauguration of President Lincoln was marred with protest and some of the same things that happened today and look how that turned out !!!
Tonight was a different schedule for me as I waited until this evening to bake cakes as well as ice them. These winter months are so hard to predict what market days will bring I waited all day to see if any orders came in for tomorrow. I got one order earlier this morning and then about mid afternoon I happened to scan my e-mail and saw another caramel cake order there.
I baked 3 caramel, 1 chocolate , 1 pound cake and a pan of lemon bars then iced the layer cakes and was still finished and had everything packed up by 10:30 tonight.
Thankful that my faith is secure in my Lord Jesus Christ and no matter who is president He is still my King and I will always love Him.
God Bless and Good Night.

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