Thursday, September 24, 2009


Woke early,getting ready for market,bee sting pain gone but itching.Arrived at market and there were no customers so I took my time setting up,then called Avon customers and had no luck with getting any of them to come to pick up their orders either.Not that bad of a day,partly cloudy and warm,must be the time of year.As the day went on customers were few but I had a decent day anyway.Packaged some dry basil and crocheted 2 towel tops.There was a big fire in town this morning at an old inn,no one died but several people got hurt jumping from the second floor,the news said it was arson.
When I left market I ran regular errands and delivered 2 Avon orders on my way home.I stopped at a local fruit and vegetable market,wanting some fresh fruit,but they didn't have much so I settled for bananas and came home.I unloaded by myself as it is 4:00 and I'm the first to get here.I was putting the last of the groceries away when hubbie called and said there was a wreck just right around the curve before our house and he was stuck in traffic. When he came home he said someone had ran through the neighbors fence and down a steep bank into his pasture,but didn't get hurt.If you don't know this road we live on these curves around here are very tricky and dangerous and there are a lot of wrecks,one state trooper that was working one of the wrecks one time said this road is a drunks nightmare and sober man's bad dream.
Hubbie started mowing the lawn,hoping to finish at least most of it tonight because it is suppose to rain for the next 2 days again.I walked the dogs but still didn't go in the wet bottom,water is still standing in most of it.Hubbie finished mowing and we did chores,daughter came in and we had a light supper before watching "survivor" on TV. After the show hubbie and I headed to church to clean,my cousin came by wanting to visit but I just had to tell him tonight is not a good night we are too busy to visit,I hated to send him away but had no choice tonight.By the looks of things at church it must have been a light crowd last Sunday,probably because of the flooding around here.We cleaned and came home,hubbie went right to bed and I am blogging while listening to the news on TV.God is good all the time.Good Night.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Matt was mowing last night too for the same reason. :)

Customers are getting ready for fall ... they will come very soon, I am sure!!

I'm enjoying a carrot cake this morning, made from scratch by the wonderful hands of my mother - her last treats before she goes home, after that I'll just have to go to Marilyn's to get me a taste close to home. :)