Thursday, September 22, 2011


OOOHHHH, OUCHY,OUCHY, sore muscles are everywhere this morning.
Have you ever had sore butt muscles ???? It makes life interesting to say the least !!!
I made it to market about 5 minutes late and was very thankful for the help of a couple neighbors getting things carried in. I ran through a rain shower on the way but it wasn't raining at market.
Had a very slow day today, cool cloudy weather doesn't help get people out and shopping.
I crocheted the tops on 4 towels today to avoid the "boredom" word !!
After market I made an Avon delivery and ran my regular errands, moving a bit slower than usual I got home about 5:00.
Hubbie was already here and helped me unload,then I hit the couch and he the recliner to watch the news and rest. Fighting sleep I got up and did the evening chores before the dark clouds that are still hanging around produce the promised rain.
After chores we had a salad supper and now feeling more soreness than I have all day decided to take the night off and relax and catch up on my magazine reading.
By 9:30 I'm all caught up and blogging early so I can soak in a hot tub for a while before bed.
Thanking God for the blessings of today.
Good Night and God Bless

1 comment:

Gail said...

Funny how we find those muscles we never use!

Recover quickly.