Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Up early for a very special occasion this morning. #1 son and d-in-love both are going in to work late so we all can attend g-son's kindergarten graduation ceremony at school,even aunt T will be there.
I did chores early and headed on over to school, the ceremony started at 9am in the school library.
They all looked a bit apprehensive when they came in. After they said the pledge to the flag.......
And sang a couple songs for all the family that had came to see them graduate they seemed to relax.
They had learned some sign language to go along with one of the songs they sang.

Graduation certificates were handed out and then refreshments were served.
It was a very nice little ceremony and all the kids were perfect little graduates.
G-son and best bud N pose with aunt T .
And with N's grandmother who is here from Chili to spend the summer with his family.

The inside of the program had this message to the kids from their teacher.

All the graduates left school and g-son came here for the afternoon. He played with a new toy his mom bought him while I did laundry and cleaned my bathrooms today.
When I was finished with my work we headed outside in the beautiful sunshine to spend some time playing whatever he wanted.
We came in for a snack just before his dad came in from work. Pawpaw came in from work and the three of them played some baseball out in the yard before they went home.
I sewed the apron order of sunflower and apple towel aprons plus made an extra brown flowered one to sell this evening.
I need to look for some more towels with prints on them for these aprons.
I sat out in the covered patio while hubbie mowed the lawn this evening enjoying the peaceful, cool end of a late spring day.
Thanking God for the blessings of today and for caring teachers who have positive influences on young minds.
Good Night and God Bless.


linda m said...

Congratulations to you grandson on his graduation. I love the aprons you make . They are so cheerful. Blessings

Unknown said...

Of all the graduations I have attended over the years, the kindergarden ones are the best by far! Sweet, innocent young people who hopefully grow up to be responsible adults from the things they learned at their early age and stage in life.