Wednesday, January 6, 2016


It seemed darker at 7am this morning than yesterday maybe it was because the temps today was 15 degrees, brrrr. After g-daughter snuggled down in her swing and went back to sleep I snuggled down with my 4-legged kids on the couch and waited for more daylight and a little warmer temps. Not much warmer at 17 when I went out to do the chores. Ice filled all the waterers and again I wished for warmer weather !!! Especially when I forgot my gloves and had to pry my fingers loose from the metal buckets !!!!
Back inside I had breakfast and then did housework while g-daughter slept the morning away.
I got all the Christmas things put away out of the kitchen/ dinning room area.
G-daughter didn't wake up until 11:00 and was ravenously hungry by then. After she had her bottle she was a happy camper and loved sitting in the bumbo and watching me have my lunch.

I let her sit up for a little while and then put her back in her little vibrating bed/seat. She wasn't ready to lay back down yet as she kept pulling herself back into sitting position. She is a strong little girl !
After lunch she watched as I redecorated the living room with January decor.

I will add more later probably but for now this is good !!
D-in-love came in and fed g-daughter while I fixed g-son an after school snack. His church CIA group was going to sing at a rest home tonight and stopping at Chik-fi-la for a later supper.
When hubbie came in from work we loaded up the remaining storage bins holding the last of the Christmas decor and stored it all away in the outside shed.
After chores he helped me change the rugs back to the normal ones and vacuumed the house as I am still nursing my sore right arm muscle. It is much better so I am still trying not to over use it.
The living room always has an empty, plain look after the Christmas is all gone, it's kind of sad !!!
There was a beautiful sunset this evening.

The high temperature at least got up to 42 this afternoon but all the waterers were still full of ice this evening. At least the temps overnight are predicted to stay in the mid 20's.
I spent the evening buried in the month ending figures and the year end totals. I had a good year in my business and am very thankful. All that work in December was well worth the year ending boost !
Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying for d-in-loves dad as he was admitted back to hospital today with impending surgery maybe as early as tomorrow.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

G-daughter looks so happy sitting in her bumbo. Love your fireplace mantel. My house looks so bare with all the Christmas decor put away. I won't be putting any decorations out until Spring. God sure blessed you with a beautiful sunset last night. Blessings