Friday, December 16, 2016


An extra 45 minutes of rest this morning while g-daughter caught some extra sleep. She has to snuggle so close to me it is impossible for me to go back to sleep but it is good for her .
She isn't feeling up to par today as she has a snotty nose and cough plus has had several poops. Maybe another molar coming through or a nasty cold, lets hope for the tooth !!!!
She has found a new friend as Pumpkin and her already seem to have a bond even through the glass storm door as they gaze into each other's eyes.
The temperature today never got out of the 20's so she couldn't go outside to pet him but she spent a lot of time at the door just looking at him and learning to say "cat".
 And Pumpkin was so fascinated with her he stayed in Sadies chair on the front porch the entire day except for a couple bathroom breaks. And all the dogs didn't pay him any attention causing me to believe he has been around here  more than I thought.

Hopefully he will stay around the house and not roam to far.
I baked cakes while g-daughter watched and helped put empty things in the trash which she thought was great fun !!!
I baked 12 caramel cakes, 1 pound and 1 rum cake . I don't have as many orders for tomorrow as I had Thursday. The weather is kind of iffy for early in the morning with maybe some sleet or freezing rain but by 8:00 the temperature is supposed to be 38 , guess we'll hope they get it right this time.

Today was an early release day at school and d-in-love picked up g-daughter about 1:30. Hubbie also got off work about that time so it was strange to spend a Friday afternoon here with him also here. As soon as he got here I headed out to break the ice in all the waterers for the second time today so all the animals could get a second drink of the day.
We did some house cleaning and then headed out in the cold to do the  evening chores. Another ice breaking and hopefully they all got a drink before dark.
These below freezing all day days are really tough on all the animals as they are so cold and then have to drink icy water. I'm glad God built in little heaters to keep them warm out there.
I finished the evening icing cakes and getting things ready for market.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and for our Savior's birth .
God Bless, Good Night and Merry Christmas

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