Sunday, March 17, 2019


This is my church St Patrick's Day more toned down green.
After church we came home to the corned beef brisket that had been cooking in the crock pot overnight along with boiled cabbage , baked potatoes, green beans and corn bread.
We only had #1 son's family here for lunch as everyone else is either sick or out of town this weekend.
After they left hubbie and I tackled some rain delayed task around the farm. We are so far behind in things because of all the rain when we get a rain free day even if it is a Sunday we feel like we have to get some things done.
One of the ladies at church this morning said this is the first no rain weekend in 20 weeks.
Hubbie cut some small Walnut trees off the bank below my sewing shop and I tackled cleaning out my chicken houses. This job is way behind and the depth of the manure in the houses definitely showed it.
This looks much better.
I got all the houses cleaned out except the Silkie house and I moved the rooster and 2 older hens into the new little tractor that have been staying in it and will get it cleaned up tomorrow and move the Silkies back into it with new netting over the lot. They don't like the green house were they have been all winter and don't go out into the lot that is attached to it for some reason.
This is the latest year since I have had them that none of them have went broody and I think it is because they don't like the nesting situation in the green house.
Hubbie came up when he finished cutting the trees and we spread all the chicken manure from the houses out on the garden.
We are waiting for Duke Power to come and look at the leaning pine tree before we plow the garden in case they need to get trucks into the garden area.
We are hoping they come look at it this week.
As I stood under the tall pine trees behind the garden I felt very small looking up through the branches.
The ice storm this past winter really did a number on lots of the limbs on these trees.
We came inside after chores and relaxed. Ben and Kristen came by to pick up their dog on their way home from visiting Ben's brother this weekend.
Thankful for  the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

You sure took advantage of your no rain day. Our rain/snow finally stopped and now we are dealing with flooding. Did see some Robins this weekend. That is always a sure sign that Spring is on it's way. Blessings