Well let me catch up here. Yesterday really sucked,at least for a while,and when it got better it still sucked because I was fighting hard to do all the things that had to be done in 1/2 the time!I just remembered that 28 years ago this day started off kind of sucky also as I had been in laber for 24 hours as of 9:00 am with #1 son and Dr. was telling me I wasn't going to be able to have a vaginal birth!But that day got better also when the mid-wife came in and I let the epideral wear off and got him pushed down far enough to be turned with forceps and here he came cone head and all!! And today October 16 he is 28. Also 3 years ago on this day g-son was born after keeping us up all night he made his entry at about noon and I can't think of a thing that was sucky that day!! I learned it is a lot nicer to watch a birth than to give a birth!!!
To start off I woke up before the alarm with a dizzying headache,I layed there thinking maybe I would go back to sleep and sleep it off,but it wasn't happening.My sensitive system makes it hard to take any medicine,even Tylenol,which is mainly all I do take and I knew I couldn't take it on an empty stomach.When I finally decided I was going to have to do something, I went to the kitchen and ate 2 crackers,(the cheese sandwich kind),and took 2 extra strength Tylenol,heated a headache pack in the microwave and went back to bed.After about 45 minutes the headache let up and I got up,let the dogs all out and made a hot cup of tea.
Thinking I had conquered my rough beginning,not so,about 1/2 through my tea it hit me,my stomach turned and I thought on no I have caught what daughter had before we went on vacation,as I remember her saying the stomach bug that sent her to urgent care began with a headache. So after setting a garbage can up for me to barf in I hit the couch.I have a frenatic nerve in my upper stomach and pass out when I gag to vomit so I have to stay layed down.I have had some pretty nasty falls before. Laying flat on my back usually keeps things calm,so all my daily duties went by the wayside.I was thinking about all the cake orders I was going to have to cancel.When hubbie came in for lunch I got him to deliver 2 cakes to church for the supper the church was hosting for the local high school football team. He fixed me some chicken soup but the first sip made me gag and pass out.
He left and at almost to the minute 4 hours after I had taken the Tylenol this morning,my stomach ache went away,(note to self,2 crackers isn't enough food for medicine!).I layed there 15 more minutes in disbelief, thinking I couldn't have been that sick over that medicine and it would surely come back.It didn't ,now I'm up,totally empty,no appetite,1/2 day's work behind and weak as water. I drank some jello water,(I used to use it for baby calves to give them energy when they were sick),maybe it'll work for me!
I got started baking about 2:00,took 2 more large cake orders and baked nonstop for 3 hours. The day started out sunny and I was planning to get out in the sun and wash off all my plants to bring inside,but by the time I finished baking it was misting rain and cold.We still had to bring in the plants as it is supposed to get 35 degrees tonight,which wouldn't kill them,but I never know what tomorrow may bring and tomorrow night it is supposed to be 32 degrees.Welcome early fall,this is early for it to be this cold and stay cold for this long,
makes you wonder what winter will bring,may be very interesting!
After I ate the rest of my jello that was now really jello,I tried to think of something else more substantial I wanted to eat,I wound up making brown rice and had 2 small bowls of that. Carbohydrates for energy and bland to sooth my raw stomach,it hit the spot.
Daughter came in and started her baking while hubbie and I did the outside chores,it is just raw out there,cold and wet.She said she would go with us to finish cleaning church since I don't feel well and hubbie has a really bad head cold and doesn't feel great either.I went to pick up money for an Avon order and she took her brother a birthday card,as it is his and g-son's birthday today! All 3 of us cleaned the church and came home now I'm only about 1 hour behind what I usually am,whew! I iced cakes and cut and wrapped orders until 12:30 in the morning.
That's why no blog yesterday!!!!! I finally got in bed at 1:15 which isn't too bad for me usually but in my weakened condition I was dragging!
NOW FOR TODAY!!!!Up early and semi-rested,thankful for no headache,it's amazing after a morning like yesterday how much brighter today looks and how appreciative to God I am to feel good this morning.Daughter and hubbie were in the kitchen already packing and getting things ready to go.She has volleyball practice from 9-12 this morning,they get Friday evenings off in trade for Saturday morning practice.Hubbie had to stop on the way out and straighten our mailbox out where someone threw a rock and hit it last night.Makes me wonder what in the world some people get out of damaging other people's things.Maybe that mailbox took the blow and saved some one from taking it! Anyway he got it fixed so the lid would shut.We got unloaded and set up as it was really busy as usual in the middle of October.People were already doing Christmas shopping and I sold dolls and angels as well as baked goods today. Daughter brought lunch and came in after her practice and helped me until closing.We loaded the van and then walked up to a Hospice thrift shop that is just up the street from market.Found several neat things for projects for the holidays,looked for a silver top to wear with a skirt I bought while on vacation but had no luck in that dept,however daughter found her a really cute silver top.They had lots of Christmas decorations out and it was hard for me to contain my spending, but I did! I saw several things I'm going back for if my sunroom becomes a reality.I headed to Aldi and Walmart and daughter headed home to shower and head over to a friends house to practice making pumpkin rolls.It's great to have her helping at market and she is like her mom,a very good saleswoman!! I couldn't believe how crowded Walmart was ,(hey! people the snow predictions are not for here,for crying out loud!!).I finally made it home at 5:00,we unloaded and put everything away.It is still 42 degrees and light rain,maybe it
is gonna snow,ha ha! I put comfortable clothes on and relaxed under a fleece blanket on the couch to the joy of my 2 little 4 legged kids,who love to snuggle.Hubbie put some brats on the grill and I steamed some veggies for supper.I am getting my appetite back,but shouldn't have had that second brat!! That is my dieting downfall,I need to stop with a small portion,get up and leave the table and my stomach told me that tonight!
This is a recuperating night and I'm not doing anything but resting and taking a long bubble bath and early bedtime.I got a couple new magazines while standing in the long line at walmart,that's why they put them on the check-out counters and it worked on me today.
Thanking God for my health and praying for a customer and friend that came in today,who has just had a brain tumor removed and is getting ready to start the radiation treatments afterward,she is such a nice person,and I pray for peace and understanding for her as she undergoes the coming challenges,my prayers go with you Becky!
I have so many special people that I have met through market and have become friends with over the years it means so much when they come in and feel they can share their tragedies and good times with me. When they ask for my prayers I just swell with pride in that they know I love the Lord and can pray to Him for them.When Becky told me her news today,I said I will pray for you and she said, "that's why I'm here" I could have cried,I'm just so glad to have the opportunity to share my love for Jesus and when it pays off like this there is no feeling in the world that can replace it.Becky lives in Charleston,S.C.!!!
Lord my heart is full tonight and I am totally humbled in your Name!