Monday, October 12, 2009


Woke to the sound of tires crunching on the gravel driveway at 7:00 this morning,I was in such a fog it took me a minute to figure out it was #1 son bringing g-son.Put him in the bed and went back to sleep,woke again to a strong pressure in my back and realized it was g-son's feet,he was trying to push me out of bed in is sleep! Time to get up nena!! I had an early Avon delivery anyway this morning.Came back by the house to meet with another man about my porches at 10:00.Went back to my Avon deliveries after he left.It has rained pretty hard all morning and it is cool about 58 degrees,definitely fall feel in the air today.As I finished my deliveries I had to stop at Aldi and Walmart for baking supplies,it's back to the grind starting tonight.It was 1:30 when I finished at Walmart and stopped in Mcdonalds for g-son a cheeseburger and I realized it was passed my lunch time so I stopped at chick-fil-a for one of their wraps and a diet dr. pepper before I went home.Hubbie left as soon as I came home to go take the truck to the car wash to get the salt and sand off it,I'll bet he is the only one at the car wash today! G-son is eating vanilla wafers and watching some of his favorite cartoons on TV. I took his pull-up off and put his Buzz Lightyear underwear on and now he won't wear his long pants,he took the big blanket off the bed and is all wrapped up in it.It's funny he calls it the bed blanket and will go drag it off the foot of the bed.I'm sitting here editing my beach photos and found a couple more I have to share on here.....take note of the feet on pawpaw and about in step!!!!
#1 son came after g-son early today and I layed on the couch to watch the news and almost went to sleep,but I'm waiting on a lady to come pick up some skin-so-soft oil at 6:30 so I won't take a nap today.After she came I ate a light supper and put the dogs up,it is still raining lightly so there won't be any walking today.I am going to start exercising during the day tomorrow,to make up for all the rainy days I don't get to walk.It is suppose to be pretty tomorrow so we'll see, its housecleaning day and I still have a couple catch-up errands to run.Lordy,Lordy I'm listening to the news and they are talking about snow!!! on Saturday night,hey, I just got back from the beach!!!!!!!!!!
I baked my cakes and even tried something new,an upside down apple cake baked in an iron skillet,it looks so good I'm glad I always try out my new recipes.By missing last week I'm not sure how good business will be this week especially with the cold temps coming in.It is just 10:45,I'm finished baking and will watch the rest of the news and then get ready for bed.I can't wait for a call from one of the contractors with an estimate on my porches,I've got my fingers crossed that I can afford them. Praising the Lord tonight for the peace He has given me. Good Night.

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