Thursday, March 1, 2012

#2 SON IS 29 TODAY !!!!!!

On this day 29 years ago this was me and just born #2 son.  I cannot express my relief on this day. If you have ever had pregnancy sickness you would understand what I mean. I had been sick for 8 months prior to his arrival,but you know what, you can tell by that smile on my face that every gag and upchuck was well worth this moment.  He was a few days early as the doctors got a scare the day before when I went in for my weekly check-up and my blood pressure was through the roof.  I had my labor induced at 9 am and #2 made his entrance about 10 hours later, all 8 plus pounds of him.
He was a sleepy baby.
Even slept through his introduction to older brother.
When he slept through the night the first night home from the hospital,I woke up every few minutes to make sure he was still breathing. He started out as a really layed back baby and has turned into a really layed back adult.  HAPPY   29th  BIRTHDAY #2 SON !!!

On this day the sun was shining as the day started in 60 degree heat, I guess that means March has "come in like a lamb" .
After chores and breakfast I set out to deliver 3 Avon orders and then run my weekly errands. The Avon deliveries took until lunch time so I had a salad at a Wendy's I passed.
As I was doing my Wallyworld shopping as my last stop I got a call from a representative from the NC agriculture dept. who said he was sitting in my yard and needed to speak with me or hubbie. I told him where I was and he said he would just wait for me to get home.
He was a patient man !! And even offered to help carry in my groceries.
We sat outside in the warm, almost hot sunshine and talked business for over an hour. We went over last years figures and outlined a goal for this year . He operates a cattle and row crop farm farther east of here around Wilksboro. We go through this each year usually on the phone so it was nice to have someone actually show up to verify our operation.
After he left I put away the groceries and took a brain break out in the covered patio just watching the birds and listening to the chorus of tree frogs from our farm pond. AAAHHHHH !!!!!
When hubbie came home I reluctantly dragged myself back into reality and took care of the evening chores.  I have a white silkie hen wanting to set so I called a friend of mine who has the green egg laying hens and asked him to save me some eggs to pick up Saturday. I will let her set on them in another brooder house. It will be harder to get extra heat in there to her but it can be done if needed.
After supper and exercise I veged out on the couch for a change and did nothing until I got up to blog.
I did give #2 son a call and wish him happy birthday.
Thankful to God tonight for the blessing of 3 healthy successful children.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was searching in google for "march 1 1983" in images category and saw this page. this is also my birth day and year. contact me at