Friday, August 7, 2009


Woke by the ringing phone this morning,it was an Avon customer coming by to pick up her order.Fast dressing is a skill I learned a long time ago.
After she left I had cereal and hot green tea for breakfast,hubbie is off today and he went out to spray weed killer on the road bank as it is getting hard to see on coming traffic when pulling out of our drive way.I did a laundry load of sheets and hung them out to dry,it is a beautiful day but is going to get hot.Then it was time to start baking layers for my cakes,I baked 22 layers,2 granny pound,1 7-up pound, 1 peach wine ,1 chocolate pound,2 loaves of blackberry bread,and an order of boyfriend cookies I promised a lady I would do for her grand opening celebration of her musical bear shop. I finished all this about 2:00.
#1 son brought g-son over about that time and he and pawpaw watched TV for awhile, while I did paperwork and gathered my sheets off the line, uuuuummmmmmm they smell sooooo good.
I went up to the garden to cut basil and oregano to sell at market tomorrow.Our garden is really doing well with all the rains we have had lately.I have enough tomatoes to make salsa this week.Daughter is suppose to pick her some beans to can tomorrow afternoon.I'll help her can them Sunday after lunch.Hubbie is helping her b-friend change the brake pads on his suv tomorrow afternoon when he gets home from his dad's.
Time for Bible school commencement and g-son is all excited he wanted to leave 20 minutes early but we waited.
Commencement went well we had 8 show up tonight and they all did amazingly well to sit through an hour program.We only had to intervene a couple of times when someone got a little to far from us but all in all they did wonderful.I love everyone of them they are all so sweet and are just like little sponges absorbing every little thing they see and hear.
We had a nice b-b-cue supper and talked with many friends afterwards.
I don't know when they are going to take down all the massive decorations so we'll come back later to clean.
Daughter and d-in-love went to a pet store to get a gerbil for d-in-love,son and g-son came home with us.I iced 6 caramel cakes, 3 chocolate, 2 coconuts, and wrapped all I could for tomorrow while they watched TV,g-son had to have a piece of cake with some caramel icing to go with a cup of milk before he left for home. He said he was tired, this has been a big week for him, he'll sleep well tonight.I am tired but content in the knowledge of a very successful week,pastor Mike said this was the best Bible school week ever (I think he says that every year) but this was a good week, just looking at all those kids tonight made me very glad to be a part of something so special and inspirational for all these young minds and souls. 2 kids accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior this week so every bit of work and time that went into it was well worth it. All the Glory be to God.
I love it at my house late at night 11:30 like this when everyone is gone and hubbie is in bed and it's just me and my blog,it seems good for my soul to think back over my days activities and write down some of my thoughts,it gives me a feeling of accomplishment to sleep by.This busy week isn't over yet so I'm off to bath and bed to rest for another busy day tomorrow God willing.
May all your dreams come true and may God richly bless each and everyone as he has me.
Good Night.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

It was a very special week, seeing all those kids and many adults there last night was very special.

The other day Nicolas and I were talking about being nice to people, loving everybody b.c Jesus loved everyone so he said "Mommy! Jesus loves ME!! and he calls me Nicolas Dalton" :)

Those little (not really) brains absorved every little detail and talking to them about the love of Jesus is so important.

Wonderful BBQ that's for sure! Great fellowship.

I've enjoyed reading you!!