Monday, August 3, 2009


Spent this morning in pioneer mode,I love preserving my own produce,that way I know exactly who has handled and what is in my food.Granny used to say "it'll sure taste better than a snowball this winter"as I'm sure she had experienced winters where she only had what she put up to eat.I just love the feeling you get in winter when you open a jar of your own produce.I canned 14 quarts of green beans from what we picked yesterday and sliced some peaches to freeze,I freeze my fruit in a 2-step method,I layer it on cookie sheets covered with wax paper,freeze it,then put it in bags ,that way you can take out whatever amount you need,I like to put it on my cereal.Certain things I have found are better canned and some are better frozen.We do not like frozen beans so I always pressure can mine,and we like frozen fruit better than canned.
G-son came at lunch,he had pizza and I had a salad.After we ate we went outside to play for a little while,he rode in the wagon and played in his treehouse(which is actually under a tree).
We came inside and had a snack of water and popcorn while he watched TV and I blogged.
Hubbie came home and sprayed our beans with a fungucide that is suppose to help what they have,we're just hoping to keep it from spreading to all of them.
He and #1 son are suppose to meet daughter and b-friend to look at a house at 6:30.
G-son and I got ready for Bible school,he has been excited about going all afternoon.
We had 9 in our class today,that was more than 2 apiece for the 4 adults in there,but we managed well and we all had a good time.I think g-son's favorite part is the music or maybe it's dancing with the girls.......
His best friend was back tonight and that made it even better.......Although it looks as if the music and dancing is over and he may be in a bit of trouble here........
Bible school is so special for all children as they learn about Jesus Christ and what a wonderful Savior and Friend he is.It saddens my heart to think that for some of these kids this is and will be the only association with God they ever have.Hopefully a seed will be planted and when they grow up it will grow into a life filled with the love of Jesus for them,that's what makes all the work worth while, if it even affects 1 child's life Glory be to God.
I came home and made 1 granny pound, 1 peach wine, 1 blackberry wine cake. I put up my beans and bagged my peaches.It is 10:30 and I'm waiting to get my last cake out of the oven,then it will be bath and bed,busy day tomorrow delivering avon.God Bless and good night.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

I can not begin to tell you how much we enjoy your cake!!!!! :0) It was delicious!!!!!

It always takes Nico a while to get ready for VBS, at the time he arrives to it he's so tired, my boy is an early riser, he's been up and running since 6:00 am so by 9 pm he is normally with his PJs on getting ready to say his prayers and go to bed. Hopefully as the week progresses he'll be more into it. By the pictures although it looks like playing in the sand box was fun. :D