Thursday, June 30, 2011


Off to market early this morning alone. Daughter is meeting with the bank's appraiser to look at her house at 9:00.
When I pulled into the parking lot at market it looked like a January day instead of the Thursday before the 4th of July. Where is everyone??
It was slow all day. Daughter brought us sub-way when she got there at about 11:00.
The appraiser only had a question about the distance between the well and septic which we had letters from the county already addressing this. He looked over everything and found no broken water lines or anything that wouldn't work except the hot water heater.
I'll be curious to see what value he puts on this house.
I made 8 towel angels while daughter watched for customers after lunch.
We had to make a stop at the bank together to sign some papers before she headed home and I ran my regular weekly errands.
I made it home by 3:30 but it took me an hour to unload and get everything put away.
Daughter was asleep,she is still very sore and feels bad from her teeth pulling .
Hubbie came in from work and the 3 of us rested while we watched the news.
We ate a light supper then headed over to her house to make sure everything is locked back up.
Are moonshiners making a come back in the Carolina's????????Just across the N.C./S.C. border today deputies busted up a modern day moonshine still.They found 2,000 gallons of moonshine on the property,wow that's a lot of fire water !!!
Apparently this farmer was selling the shine out of his peach stand. It must have been good stuff because the sheriff said after just 2 glasses of it any man would be rolling around on the ground.
I've been told that my dad was a moonshine runner in his early days but that was way before my time.

I baked cakes tonight for another late nighter,it is 12:20 am and I'm still waiting on the last ones to came out of the ovens. I'm very tired tonight but tomorrow I will be glad I stuck it out and finished tonight.
I just realized I'm in the month of July already for the last 20 minutes. My how time flies when you're having fun and I am having fun. I love life,I love my Lord,I love my family. I'd just like to hold on to each day a little longer to squeeze every bit of the sweetness from it. As June passes into July I'm excited to see what my Lord has in His plans for me this month.
A short recap of this month:
The weather has been historically bad this June as many places have seen flooding and tornadoes like never before. We've been very fortunate here to just had have had thunderstorms and just a little hail. But the temperatures have been very hot,leaving us to look for ways to cool down.#1 son had his knee rebroke and straightened for the 2nd June in a row he spent time in the hospital.All things considered June 2011 has been a fairly calm,month with the rains bringing out all the beautiful color in the flower blooms and our garden is starting to produce fresh summer vegetables that I wait all winter for.
Grateful for life this evening !!
Good Night and God Bless.


Rita said...

I love hearing about your days and family. It reminds me of when our family was larger and there was a lot going on. I love the way your cakes look. So delicious and homemade. I pray for your son he has to be so tired of having problems with his leg. My daughter has had her wisdom teeth out too and yikes what a hard time that was for a while. Her body wouldn't tolerate the pain meds so we had to use over the counter type meds. Your ideas for things to make and sell at market are neat and it would be great if I lived close enough to buy. If I ever get a chance to visit your area know that I will buy a cake for sure.

Gail said...

Strange...I just watched a two hour show and much was about moon shining. That is where Nascar got it's start!

This must be peach shine...I have never seen white lightning have any color.

Interesting to know it is still a good cash crop for those who need the money.

NCmountainwoman said...

Two thousand gallons? Don't think that was for home consumption. Loved the grandson in the creek.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, So glad to get home and back to blogging. We did have a fabulous trip--but home is pretty nice also!!!!!

Funny about the moonshine.... I would say "Only in TN"---but not this time!!!!! ha

How is your son doing now since the latest surgery????