Thursday, May 5, 2016


Thankfully the temp was still in the low 40's this morning when g-daughter arrived at 7am. We snuggled back down under the covers for a few minutes .
I did chores and got ready for market while she watched Sesame Street. I can't leave her on our bed it is way too high and she is like a little scooting monkey right now so when I get up she has to get up.
We had our jackets and hoods on this morning to fend off the very cold high winds.
Market was like a ghost town today as expected with the weather.
This little girl got lots of attention from bored vendor neighbors today and she isn't the only grandchild to be gracing market with their presence these days !!

 It also helps to have Daniel Tiger to watch to ease the boredom !!!
 After market we headed out to run the regular errands and then made shopping stops at Aldi and Walmart. She slept through the errands and Aldi but very vocally helped me shop in Walmart . She is so funny when she loudly jabbers and everyone thinks she is the cutest thing ever doing it !!!
D-in-love picked her up to make another shopping trip as soon as we got home. I got things all unloaded just before hubbie got home. We rested and watched the news before doing chores in the cold windy evening. It feels much colder to me tonight than last night but the wind is blowing really hard making the chill factor really low. It even rained this evening with the sun shining. Crazy weather we are having right now.
This is not a typical North Carolina May day !!!
And the wind is blowing so hard it is blowing all the blooms off my late blooming Azaleas.
The neighbor's fields are getting ready to be filled with Tomato plants under all this while plastic. It looks like a reflective lake over there from our hill !!
 Daughter spent the day in Chapel Hill with the other two basketball coaches receiving an award for their team. Thankful for safe travel for them as they made this trip.

 Today was the National Day of Prayer and in our town folks gathered at the old court house to listen to choir music and pray.

We definitely need to pray for our country today and the members of our government as these next years are really going to get very interesting I think. This country was founded on the word of God and we need to get back to that to continue to be a great nation.
I am thankful that I have my God to lean on in times like these and am so grateful for His love and care each day.
God Bless and Good Night.

1 comment:

linda m said...

I agree with you that the next few years are going to be interesting. YEs, we DO need God in our country. It seems like people are trying to destroy the very principles that this country was founded on and drive God out of the USA. That is why I pray daily for our country. Have a great weekend. Blessings