Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Catching up from yesterday,here are pictures of our landscaping, I think it looks really good,even if it was my idea!
I love the rock idea,it looks good and serves as a dog digging deterant. After I took these pictures this morning I headed out to run errands,make some Avon deliveries and do some groceries shopping. About 4 hours later, I have no idea why it took that long, I made it back home. Daughter had met d-in-love after g-son's dermatologist appointment this morning to get him and they had been shopping and had just beat me home by minutes.Hubbie came in from work and helped unload and put things away,we separated some ground chuck I bought,it was 40 cents cheaper per pound if you bought 5 pounds so we put it in 5 freezer bags and put it in the freezer,a little trouble but a penny saved is a penny earned!!!
We took g-son and went to the bottom to look at a tree that has fallen into the creek,but the water was still to deep for hubbie to cut it out.In fact there are 2 trees that have fallen into the creek but 1 of them isn't touching the water and is huge so we don't think we can do any thing with it.The mess on the left is going to have to be cleaned up or the beavers will use it to dam the entire creek,we saw them do it on a neighbors property several years ago and it started with this exact same scenario. It never gets dull around here!!! G-son had to have his cow boots on they are 2 sizes too small but he got them on and said they didn't hurt.Notice who is walking in the muddy cow path. But Pawpaw I have my "cow boots"on and YOU were in the water!!
This is one of g-son's favorite games lately,it's called "I hit you with a snowball and then betcha can't catch me". And no pawpaw didn't catch him! He loves the outside whether it's snow,water or sunshine he'll find a way to make a game of it. I just wish I had a little of his energy! Annie must have gotten hot running around so she found a patch of snow to cool off on!

This is the ole "wait till pawpaw gets his arms full of wood then hit him in the back with a snowball" game.He thought this was hilarious!!
When we got inside I had to dry his pants for the second time today,the first was for spilling a slushie in his lap when he was in the car with daughter. That's just part of being an active little 3 year old boy.
After his dad picked him up daughter and I took turns baking and icing cakes and making candy. I'm blogging while it's her turn on the stove. I fortunately got several cake orders today.If the weather doesn't get in the way again maybe tomorrow will be a decent day at market.
However I'm sitting here listening to them say it's already snowing in places around here and guess what I looked outside and it is snowing !!!!It is midnight,I just finished icing my cakes and snapped these 2 pictures in the back yard,this doesn't look good for market tomorrow. Maybe we will get that miraculous warm rain the weather guessers said we'd get!!! God only knows and He isn't telling. If we trust in Him it'll all work out, HIS WAY!!!!! Good Night and God Bless.

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